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Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts, risks and skills, motivation, and ability of individuals to apply this knowledge and understanding to make effective decisions through a wide range of financial frameworks. Financial literacy impacts financial decision-making. It equips us with the knowledge and skills needed to manage money effectively, making informed judgements and effective decisions on the road to  financial independence. Finlit is more than just teaching you how to memorize information,  true education should teach you how to connect and use the information. Here we believe that true education should be easily  accessible and available for all. 

Happy Pi Day!

Newest investment

Pi Coin!

The app itself is free, not requiring any funds or purchases. One of their aims is to have a cryptocurrency that was highly convenient with intuitive mining and fair distribution. One of their other aims is to have others build apps on PI network to benefit from PI network users’ attention. They ran a pilot in 2020 for people to exchange goods and services using Pi. This is an important point. Money only has value when you can use it to exchange for products and services. If the Pi coins can be exchange in a marketplace for products, value is added.


Budgeting goals 

Key Points

Basic income and expenses. Master how to control the inflow and outflow of money by creating and sticking to a spending plan.

  • Starting a budget. Budgeting is all about prioritizing income and expenses. Income should equal expenses, with every dollar assigned to a purpose, including saving. By assigning each dollar to an expense, you’ll know where and how your money is spent.
  • Saving. Putting aside money now allows us to have money to spend later. By contributing to a savings account like an emergency fund, you can achieve short-term and long-term financial goals.



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